





王晶的演讲被安排在最后,王晶是用英文念给大家听她事先准备好的演讲稿,内容如下:We are here today to demand the release of the patriots who were arrested for protesting on January 6th of this year. They were retaliated against, and imprisoned by the Biden administration for defending legitimate votes, and standing for justice for the American people.

When we speak for them today, we speak for ourselves tomorrow. I believe that all of you, like me, are people who would rather die than bow to evil.

If we remain silent in the face of fraud today, then evil will prevail and our world will be dark!

Maybe you won’t believe me, but just 14 days ago, I exposed a criminal group on the Internet. They are gangs of criminals and human traffickers instigated by the CCP. They usually claim to be  “democrats” and Christians on the Internet, and have many friends and fans. Just before I came to the United States, they drugged me and convinced me to lend them money, and later, drugged me again to take compromising photos of me. They threatened to release the photos or take my life if I exposed their crimes. Later, on a flight to Serbia, one of their agents sat next to me and poisoned me, causing me to consider suicide. Later, in Belgrade, i developed symptoms of epilepsy, and almost died.

When I shared the story on the Internet, some people actually suspected that I was a spy of the CCP! Others told me to report the incident to the Chinese police. Although I have evidence, I can’t report the case because I don’t have the protection of my motherland. My motherland is occupied by a group of terrorist organizations. The people who wanted to kill me were instigated by Beijing government.

In my home country, I was beaten and imprisoned by police and government personnel for recording and exposing crimes. This time I was extorted and threatened with death by a criminal syndicate instigated by  Beijing government. Let me ask: Is it useful for me to report to a terrorist organization? The CCP’s police and judges won’t protect people like me! 

I have no motherland or country anymore. I am a political refugee. I am an earthling. Where there is freedom, there is my motherland and my home.

I victoriously escaped the hunt and came to the free world I have longed for: America. But what did I see? An upright, generous and outstanding president of the United States–Trump’s legitimate votes were blatantly stolen, Trump’s presidential position was defrauded, and Trump’s voice was banned. Just like what happened to me! even if I was scammed or my life was threatened, I couldn’t report the crime and I’m still a suspect. Even if I wrote the most true facts out there, people would rather believe lies than the truth. 

Why is this? Because our world has been controlled by evil! They control the media, the Internet, and the money. They constantly disguise themselves as democrats and Christians. They use falsehoods to confuse the truth, which has caused some people to be unable to distinguish the true from lies. Because the lie seems better than the truth, the lies prevailed and the real was replaced by the fake.

Don’t you think this kind of thing is terrible? But it’s actually happening around us. If you Americans don’t want your nation to become a liar and gangster, if you Americans don’t want more of this misfortune that happened to me and also is happening to you, then you MUST take action quickly to defend your freedom, and the world! DEMAND JUSTICE!

If the United States embraces socialism and the Chinese Communist Party’s ban against truth-tellers, the world will enter a state of darkest darkness, and it will be all of us that will suffer in the end.






相关链接:流亡美国“六四天网”义工王晶揭露中共勾结黑社会假扮民运骗财骗色、下毒谋害反共人士内幕 64tianwang.net/archives/1649

在美华人等声援古巴 促拜登政府早日推翻专制防火墙https://64tianwang.net/archives/1502